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Senior High Concert Band

Senior High Concert Band is comprised of students in grades 9-12 and is designed to be the pinnacle of our formal instrumental music program.  During Senior High Band, students will continue their musical journey using their individual skills and talents to express themselves and explore the world around them through music.  They will also work together to create and perform a variety of styles and genres of music.


They meet during 5th period each school day. 

Students are required to bring the following to class each day: instrument, music folder, warm-up book, theory book, journal and a pencil.


Students are expected to:

  • Practice outside of class at least three times per week.

  • Your practice session should include...

    • Warm-up (long tones, lip-slurs, scales, chorales, and technical exercises found in the warm-up book)

    • Scale practice

      • Play, from memory, the Concert F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, C, G, D, A and E Scales with Arpeggios, and the 2-octave chromatic scale.

      • Percussionists should learn and memorize the Thirteen Essential Rudiments on the rudiment page in addition to the scales and arpeggios listed above for mallet instruments.

    • Concert music

Those of you planning to audition for District Band or Orchestra should be working on your audition pieces and district scales.


2015 Seniors


Congratulations to those who qualified for BSCMEA and PMEA festivals in the 2014/2015 school year!

BCSMEA County Band - Emalie Shaffer, Kristen Johnston, Emily Fice, Dylan Conklin, Tina Hoyt, Adriana Romano, Sam Van Dermark, Ashley Matson, Anna-Maria King


PMEA District 8 Band - Emalie Shaffer, Kristen Johnston, Adriana Romano


PMEA Region 4 Band - Emalie Shaffer, Kristen Johnston, Adriana Romano


PMEA District 8 Orchestra - Emalie Shaffer, Kristen Johnston


PMEA Central Region Orchestra - Emalie Shaffer, Kristen Johnston


PMEA District 8 Jazz - Aaron Wilhelm, Ryan Kipp


Susquehanna University Honor Band - Kristen Johnston, Dominick Miller, Adriana Romano

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